Steady Steps is a strength and balance programme for older adults to help maintain independence and enjoy physical activity in a sociable environment.
Ross WhittinghamActive Referral Officer
For more information on Steady Steps, please contact the Active Blaby team:
Call 0116 2727703
Steady Steps is a 24-week course of weekly classes and home-based exercise aimed at adults age 65+ who feel unsteady on their feet. These programmes are delivered by specialist Postural Stability Instructors (PSIs) and are proven to improve strength, balance, fitness and confidence among participants, while reducing their risk of falls.
You may be eligible for a Steady Steps programme if you;
*A fall is an event which results in you coming to rest unintentionally on the ground, not as a result of a health event or overwhelming hazard.
Classes are delivered weekly in a community venue and involve elements of mobility work, cardio activity, balance work, strength training, and adapted Tai Chi. Exercises become progressively more challenging over the 24 weeks as participants improve their skills and fitness.
Participants will learn the ‘backward chaining’ method of safely getting to the floor and back up again. This can seem daunting for a lot of people but the way that we teach this has brought great confidence to those who have done it!
Classes are taken at everybody’s own pace and managed at an individual level to ensure participants feel comfortable throughout the sessions.
Now that I come to these classes, I feel safe and secure, my confidence has improved, and I am walking better again. These classes have changed my life.
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