Positive Activity Referral Scheme (PARS)

Boy dancing

The Positive Activity Referral Scheme aims to provide a sport and physical activity pathway for young people and their families to increase their activity levels. We aim to improve self-confidence whilst reducing anxiety towards sports and physical activity.

The 12-week programme provides support and guidance for both the individual and their family to access sport and physical activity within the community. Participants are assigned a PARS Co-ordinator who will signpost the individual and their family to suitable activities and programmes within their local area. PARS co-ordinator will also offer guidance and encourage a positive lifestyle change.

PARS is a great initiative that is designed to help young people and their families use physical activity as a way to overcome a wide range of challenges they are facing. Not only does it have a positive impact on their physical health, but also their mental health, and through the scheme helps them develop new and improved relationships.

Ross WhittinghamActive Blaby Co-ordinator

Children, Football

Reasons To Refer:

  • Improve understanding of sport and physical activity• Promote the mental and physical benefits of engaging in such activities• Provide opportunities to access activities and sport within the community
  • Help to improve self-efficacy and reduce anxiety towards sport and physical activity
  • Providing the opportunity to socialise with others outside of school
  • Promote positive activity and help re-engage young people within the community
  • Promote the long-term sustainability of participating in sport and physical activity
  • Help to play a part in improving self confidence

Who can Refer?

Referrals to the scheme can be made by various partners including:

  • Schools
  • HomeStart
  • Children and Family Wellbeing Service
  • Armed Forces Covenant
  • Police Services
  • Care Leavers Association
  • Support and Care Workers
  • Voluntary Organisations supporting Young People and their families (e.g. Centre for Fun and Families)

How to Refer:

If you are working with a young person aged between 10 – 16 years and feel they could benefit from the Positive Activity Referral Scheme, then please complete the PARS Referral Form below.

Please note 

  • We currently only offer support to residents of Blaby District and Oadby and Wigston Borough.
  • We will accept referrals for young persons under the age of 10 on a case by case basis.
  • Leisure Centre PARS membership is on valid at Enderby Leisure centre

For referral queries or general programme enquiries, please contact the PARS Co-ordinator by emailing PARS@blaby.gov.uk

PARS Referral Form

*A referral does not guarantee acceptance onto the scheme, however we will do our best to support participants and their families to access more suitable schemes or services if appropriate*


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