Come on Eileen! Steady Steps Participant turns 101!

Back in October one of our Steady Steps participants, Eileen, celebrated her 101st birthday at her weekly class held at Blaby Baptist church!

The class that Eileen attends is one of the many Steady Steps programmes that we deliver around Blaby district and Oadby and Wigston. These exercise classes are designed to help older adults feel steadier on their feet, by increasing their mobility, fitness and balance, as well as reducing the risk of falls.

Originally, Eileen found out about Steady Steps when one of her friends who attended recommend it to her. She has now been attending almost every week for four years, saying that she ‘never likes to miss a class’.

Eileen also mentioned that she likes to keep up her activity levels at home, by doing the exercises she learns from class instructor Nic.

When asked why she enjoys going, she responded ‘It makes my mind feel clear and positive, the next day I feel on top of the world.’

She said the class has also helped with her strength and mobility, meaning she can still walk independently to class, which is 20 minutes from her house!

Corahs Factory

When asked the secret to her old age, Eileen mentioned that she believes keeping active all her life has helped. She previously worked for Corah’s, Leicester’s largest hosiery factory, which became the largest producer of knitwear in Europe.

During her time at the factory, she made hundreds of garments, even making mosquito nets for soldiers in the middle east. She worked long hours on her feet, which kept her active through her working life.

Nowadays, Eileen relies on her weekly Steady Steps class to keep her active and healthy. However, it’s not just the exercise that she enjoys about the class, but also the social aspect, as those taking part get a chance to sit down and socialise at the end.

Geeta, who volunteers at Blaby Baptist church, also ensures everyone can have a chat with a hot drink and biscuits, or in this case, a slice of birthday cake!

Eileen is a true inspiration, proving that you can live an active lifestyle at any age. The whole of the Active Blaby team wish her happiness and good health for the years ahead!

If you have been inspired by Eileen’s story and think steady steps would benefit you or a loved one, don’t hesitate to check out our website pages below for more information and to register.


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